My name is Marin, and I'm the owner of Embercraft Creations. I am a 29 year old artist, leatherworker, and visual storyteller living in Boston, Massachusetts. I strive to manifest myths and magic of centuries past into wearable art, carved with runes and symbols of power designed to help the wearer channel their inner intentions. Though I find myself drawn to all of Mother Earth’s natural gifts, my medium of choice is leather. For the past joyful decade, my hands haven’t stopped stamping, carving, shaping, and crafting this ancient material. I am completely self taught, and every day I feel I learn a little more. Follow my artistic journey by connecting with me on
Instagram and
The Photographer
I wouldn't be able to do what I do without my life partner, photographer, and one-man hype team. Alex is the talented photographer behind all of our fantastical photoshoots, and my helping hand whenever I'm swimming in orders. See more of his photography on his
Have a Question?
Feel free to reach out. I'll get back to you as soon as I can, within my work hours. Times are in Eastern Daylight/Standard Time.
Sunday: 12pm - 6pm
Monday: 10am - 7pm
Tuesday: 10am - 7pm
Wednedsay: 12pm - 6pm
Thursday: 10am - 7pm
Friday: 10am - 7pm